Thursday, August 23, 2012


Singapore Straits Times considered Malaysian public school system is afflicted with problems.  

1.    Carolyn Hong chose her favourite ally from Ideas' chief executive who attempted to set up private schools for the poor. Supported by Lydia Foong, for private SEGi University , she anticipated healthy competitions alluding the government to review their offerings in public education.  

2.    It cannot be denied that Wan Saiful Wan Jan, the ceo of Ideas (think-thank for Democracy and Economic Affairs), his principle is not in line with the government’s school policy. C.H. cheerfully welcomed all the points of weaknesses on the part of the government. Several factors include:

·        Lack of motivation for improvement.
·        High demand for facility in autism centre.
·        Complete change of opinions, off-again use of English as a medium of instructions and have    become deliberately intefered with Islamic elements.  
  Should Carolyn Hong feel paranoid as far as inculcating Islamic values in public education   
            system is concerned?


  1. Kenapa anak gampang dari singapork ini suka sangat mencampori urusan negara kita. Kenapa dia tak komen kerajaan dia yang suka menekan rakyaatnya dan negara yang terkenal dengan negara yang tidak Demokratik.

  2. Malaysia is more beautiful & colourful than this Fucking narrowminded Singapork Hong suggest & depict.

    And Surely ours better place for living than money hunger pig-farm..greedy-rushing-not enough 5C's-always worry-
    ingapork, ignore LGE, Dapigs

    Feel yourself the Raya fstival
    than you know he & Singapork view only rubbish..'Flat house child-born" invented by LKY in 1970's

    life not necessary high -end rich. learn from buddha (but don kill Rohingya)


  3. apa cerita LKY?

    yang tau hebohkan sikit.

    kamipun nak tau jgk.

  4. Salam GAP selamat hariraya, maaf zahir batin. Friendship forever. Melayupasirgudang sekeluarga.

  5. ada-ada ajelah straits times s'pore ni. satu-satu diperlekehkan. aku dpt rasakan ini hanyalah satu bentuk penasaran, dengki, iri-hati, busuk hati & lepas geram. saja je cari salah, ada-adakan salah.tak kemananya perangai cimpanzi mcm tu. cimpanzi tu hanya cerdik jika dikalangan BERUK!!!

  6. kuman seberang tambak nampak, gajah depan mata tak nampak. Kesihan dia.

  7. singapork is nothing better give back to malaysia without chinese and indian

  8. 1. The question is why Carolyn Hong picked Islamic elements in teaching kids attributed to the problems in education system?
    2. One of the reason is she is not a Muslim. And a non-Muslim definitely rejected any Islamic values and education which go against their religion. The bad point is that she does not even want to learn how to show respect for other religion than hers. How could she teach herself to understand the concept of tolerance that is essential for religious harmony in Malaysia? Readers of SST can interpret her insight, the controversy in her mind between tolerance and rejection of Islamic values, as these is the elements of impurity in her expressions of facts.
    3. To impart this influence in the printing media is the bad example of a journalist, who writes only based on her personal judgment, thus she is unable to inculcate a good values of information to the readers. In the long run the article of hers exposes a bad quality thinking.

    Why did she regard English as a medium of instruction had been subjected to changes? She wrote;
    • Wealthier families opted for private or international schools
    • Some chose to home-school their children
    1. Didn’t she have ideas to think of the adverse effects of these parents from wealthier families who shun away the government schools?
    2. Didn’t she have the capacity enormous enough to think about the future of the kids from wealthier families who receive education from private schools or from home-schooled kids how it had impacted on these children.
    3. She could do some homework by analyzing in a research from successful people who received education in these ways, she could seek examples from advanced countries globally, this is to educate and provide more information to Malaysian or Singaporean readers in order to support her findings, which would be more interesting. It can also give reflections to wealthier families to think twice before deciding to home-school their children or sending to private schools.

    Why did C.H include wealthier families opted for international schools? It’s not true, because these schools mainly cater to the growing expatriate population in the country. International schools offer students the opportunity to study the curriculum of another country. This is another false information from Carolyn Hong.

  9. Mantan PM Singapura LKY masih hidup lagi. Baru-baru ini beliau menyaksikan Hari Kebangsaan Singapura pada 9hb August 2012. berbaju merah dan seluar panjang putih. Sudah kehilangan isteri Kwa Geok Choo pada October 2, 2010. Kehilangan adik lelaki, Freddie Lee beberapa bulan yang lalu.
    Presiden Singapura sekarang, Tony Tan ada tali persaudaraan dengan LKY. Bapa mentua LKY, Kwa Sie Tee dan Tan Chin Tuan adalah top bankers of OCBC (Oversees Chinese Banking Corporation). Tan Chin Tuan adalah bapa saudara mentua LKY. Anak saudara TCT adalah Tony Tan, sekarang Presiden Singapura.
    Jadi, keluarga LKY semua adalah keluarga Shylock. Kedekut ahli kewangan Yahudi.
    Usia LKY sekarang akan menjangkau 89 tahun pada 16 September ini.
    Isteri LKY sudah banyak kali kena stroke akibat angin ahmar. Kebelakangan sebelum mati, beliau tidak boleh bercakap dan bergerak.
    Anak sulung Lee Hsien Loong (PM Singapura sekarang) bini pertama adalah albino. Iaitu bersalin kulit putih seluruh badan. Tak boleh kena cahaya matahari. Sudah agak tiga puluh tahun umurnya. Bini pertama nya sudah mati selepas melahirkan si albino itu. Katanya perempuan ini bunuh diri dengan senyap, (mungkin) tekanan dari ibu mertua nya, iaitu isteri LKY. Itu yang aku tahu dari staff aku semasa aku berbual dengan mereka kalangan orang Tionghua professional disekolah tempat aku mengajar dahulu.

  10. Apakah sistem persekolahan disana tidak ajar tentang agama, sivik dan lain lain nilai moral yang baik ?
