Thursday, September 20, 2012


The fall of Anwar Ibrahim

Jonathan Smith – I have always had a lurking admiration for those who could keep their lies straight. It’s a deucedly hard thing to do, so I’ve generally left it to others. I have had the advantage, in both government and private work, of being disbelieved by many with whom I interact by the nature of my job for most of my life, so I’ve been free to be honest to a fault. Just by being honest, others keep better track of what I say than I do.
Anwar Ibrahim has gone a long way by never being honest the same way for any two groups of people. I truly believe that this stems from a fundamental defect at his core – I’ve suggested before that he is a man without a face, who can put on whatever face is needed for the occasion.
According to the Company’s best psych-profile of Anwar, he is a genuine narcissist. And like most narcissists, he truly believes he occupies a special place at the centre of the universe, and this appears to make his constantly-evolving statements and self-characterisations honest, if not necessarily true.
We used to laugh out loud at Anwar’s utterly unabashed self-descriptions as being the next great martyr, the next Nelson Mandela, the next Aung San Suu Kyi, whoever struck his fancy that day.
In retrospect, this was terribly small of us; it’s rather like laughing at the fellow who truly believes he’s Napoleon.
However, whether this was a mental disorder or a personality defect is beyond my capacity to diagnose. What we do know is that this critical trait gave him the ability to seamlessly move between completely contradictory social circles and groups, always telling them – and seeming to believe – exactly what they wanted to hear. And he lived quite well off of it.

To this day, many still believe the first image he gave them. For American liberals, he was the earnest, moderate reformer. For PAS types he drew to Umno and his old guard in ABIM, he was the radical out to make Malaysia a perfect Islamic state.

For the neoconservatives, he was a bulwark against what they perceived as the next great threat: Islamic radicalism. To Western reporters – whose policy preference overlapped strongly with American liberals – he was the Shakespeare-quoting, dedicated believer of reform from within. To Mahathir Mohamad, he was the capable son and political heir, the outsider who became the insider and who saw Mahathir as a surrogate parent.
To them all, he was a man of the people, a man of principle and honesty. Nonsense. Anwar Ibrahim is a man who made a great deal of money and power out of corruption and graft, and has never bothered to apologise for it. He is a man who all but banned Christmas in Malaysia and was on track to drive the Chinese out and close down their schools.
In the days before the internet and social media was an everyday fixture, this sort of duplicity was easy. He played them all for fools.
But as an American president once said, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you simply cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The Asian Financial Crisis encouraged Anwar to let his mask slip, and he did; and when the fooling ended, the real game began.
It is little remembered now, but in 1998, Karpal Singh, then already a supremo in DAP, publicly accused Anwar Ibrahim of homosexuality, sodomy, and fornication with both men and women other than his wife. He demanded, in public, at a DAP conference, and in the Dewan Rakyat, that Mahathir explain why he was keeping such a man in his Cabinet, and demanded that Anwar be dismissed or resign, for the good of the nation.


  1. Anwar has lost his face. What he is wearing infront of his head is what we called MUKA TAK TAU MALU!

  2. Bermula ngan tulisan lam
    Far Eastern Economic Review yang menggelarkan AnuGAY seorang SESUMPAH/chameleon,
    orang luar pun dah NAMPAK sape
    Al-Juburi nih sebenarnya...

    Apelah punye bahlol masih ada lagik
    oang Mesia yang masih caya putar
    alam si Al-Duburi kaki liwat nih???

  3. Kalau ada yg mahir Translate ke Bahasa Melayu loghat Kelate elok gak nie...bolih siMB Tua tuuu baca..

  4. Kalau ada yg mahir Translate ke Bahasa Melayu loghat Kelate elok gak nie...bolih siMB Tua tuuu baca..

  5. memetik tulisan jonathan smith:
    "...It is little remembered now, but in 1998, Karpal Singh, then already a supremo in DAP, publicly accused Anwar Ibrahim of homosexuality, sodomy, and fornication with both men and women other than his wife. He demanded, in public, at a DAP conference, and in the Dewan Rakyat, that Mahathir explain why he was keeping such a man in his Cabinet, and demanded that Anwar be dismissed or resign, for the good of the nation."

    dimanakah kematangan pembangkang di negara ini. ketegasan memegang prinsipkah atau terlalu gilakan putrajayakah? kalau sedari awal tahu bahawa anwar layak DIHUMBAN dari kabinet bn, kenapa kini perlu diusung sanjung sebagai bakal PM MALAYSIA. bukankah ini dinamakan politik GILA BABI oleh pembangkang?

  6. Patut di translate rencana ni.. org PAS bukan semua faham english, kalau ada yg faham pun buat2 tak faham..

  7. Anwar Ibrahim sebenarnya bukan "leader". Dia sebenarnya "Instigator".

    Saya pasti pada PRU 13 nanti , kareer politik Anwar akan berkubur. Kubur tak bertanda sebab itu yang puak zionis mahu. Musuh dalam selimut buat Negara Malaysia untuk selama lamanya.

    Tetapi Allah Maha Berkuasa. Ingatlah wahai Anwar Ibrahim kau akan berdepan dengan hukuman Allah sebelum kau dikafankan. Aku pasti.

  8. a man without face.!!!...muka nya ada tp letak kt jubur...tu pasalla xmal menipu.dia menipu dia x ingat org yg kena yipu sentiasa ingat...nickname dia pun aljuburi...bkn umno yg gelar dulu.kwn karibnya yg panggil dulu..pas pis pus..umno hanya meneruskan shj

  9. I love reading what Jonathan Smith writes about Anwar. Kena sebijik muka Anwar.....ambik ko.

  10. 1. He translates his hopeless dreams to become Prime Minister of Malaysia into bringing up chaos since he failed his plan on 16th September 2008.
    2. Anwar sows the seeds of revenge against PM Najib because there is no leeway Anwar could restore his political post as a Prime Minister since he was released from jail. He creates lies, slander, defamation, instigation and provocation in the minds of the young generations to rebel against PM Najib. He knows that PM Najib is his tight rival owing to unparallel qualification to his.
    3. His evil character is shown through all his unscrupulous illegal offences, his public speech, his empty promises to the people. He opposes all the laudable programmes conducted by PM Najib. His daughter, the member of Parliament is the replica of her father in whatever ways her father does.
    4. Anwar has no credibility to lead Malaysia in the next poll for these reasons:

    • A homosexual, adulterer, a rebel, a traitor, a sinner, a scheming, cunning great liar.
    • A corrupted politician, scandalous, blasphemous, a Zionist and all that you can imagine during his involvement in politics in Malaysia.

  11. Orang asing pun tahu perangai Anwar Ibrahim tapi sayangnya penyokong pembangkang terlalu bengap untuk mempercayai kebenaran yang terang menerang.The writings is on the wall!Cubalah buka minda skit dan baca apa yang Jonathan tulis tu.Adakah anda 100% percaya yang Anwar itu bersih dari segala tuduhan tersebut, without a shadow of a doubt? Are these just fabrication and konspirasi UMNO(pembangkang will say that Jonathan has been paid by UMNO,as usual...yawn....yawn)?It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out.Ignore those in the know at your own peril!

  12. Foyoo! Power punya article especially dua tiga perenggan yang terakhir.

  13. GAP..tlg translate la article ni sebab majoriti penyokong PAS tak reti bahasa inggeris. Mujur Tun bagi peribahasa Inggeris baru2 ni..kalau tak kita pun tak tau org2 PAS tak faham bahasa Inggeris..termasukla editor harakah..bodo piang

  14. Pembangkang Malaysia mana ada prinsip. Pengikutnya pula bodo2.

  15. tak yah la pas ni kalau ketua dia setan pun, angguk je.......

    dia org apa peduli, bos dia main belakang ka, cium bontot yahudi ka........sama saja......sudah kena brainwashed dari sekolah lagi.........

    aku ingat lagi zaman sekolah kat kota baru tahun 70an, 80 an.....anak org pas pandang semacam je kat aku...

    -anti jubur-

  16. ANWAR IBRAHIM = Anugerah Tuhan, Mahatma Gandhi, San Su Kyi, Nelson Mandela, Imam Mahadi. Semua tokoh ini dikumpulakan tak sehebat Anwar.
    Thanks Jonathan Smith for your probing research exposing the unvarnished truth realting to Anwar's mental and moral qualities.
