Singapore Straits Times slams BN’s laudable deeds for lower-income Malaysians.
1. Carolyn Hong begins her insincere remarks from an elderly woman.
2. Then she slams on the government’s supplementary budget for financial aids.
3. She digs out critics from the opposition political maverick leader who continuously contempt government’s praiseworthy deeds.
4. She abhors PM Najib’s move by bringing up confronting opinions by some economists to defame him publicly.
5. She harasses on PM Najib’s record of approval ratings from Merdeka Centre whom the agency comprises opposition strong supporters. Note the RSA think-tank, this agency could not be reliable like the former.
org singapore x guna
Go to hell lah singapork
kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang budiman boleh menjadikan lapuran dari Singapura itu sebagai satu iktibar utk kita bersatu dalam memastikan Kerajaan Malaysia yang dipimpin oleh BN dan PM Mohd Najib Tun Razak kekal utuh dan berkuasa kembali semasa GE13.
Kita tidak perlu menuruti rentak jahat pihak PAP abang kepada DAP dan juga batu api PKR , apa yg perlu adalah memastikan Negara kita tidak jatuh kepada Pakatan Rakyat yg hanya mahu menjahanamkan Negara Islam di Malaysia ini.
Lebih penerangan diperlukan kepada rakyat jelata tentang niat jahat PAP Singapura DAP PKR dan PAS.
Setiap rakyat yg sayangkan Negara Islam Malaysia ini mesti bersatu mematahkan cubaan rampasan kuasa dari pihak-pihak Munafik tersebut.
Hey Caroly Hong,
If u read this message, ash hole u.
Don't be busy body, sucker, interfering our country's affair.
Take care of your own country's "kia-su".
Chong Abdullah
Marilah kita semua menjadi manusia yang bertanggungjawab , jujur dan amanah .
Straits Times Singapore boleh le hentam Kerajaan Malaysia, atau negara-negara lain.
Yang dia tak berani hentam hanyalah Kerajaan Singapura....
Straits Times Singapura bukan tak tahu bahawa demonstrasi seperti Bersih 3.0 mustahil dapat diadakan di Singapura, sebuah PULAU KECIL, yang diperintah secara KUKU BESI, sama seperti Tanah Besar Cina.
Di Singapura, sesiapa yang mengkeritik Kerajaan akan dituduk DE-FAMING Kerajaan di mahkamah, akan dijatuhkan denda kewangan yang besar, yang tidak akan mampu dibayar...lantas Kerajaan Singapura akan mengisytiharkan BANKRUPCY ke atas pesalah tersebut.
Dah diisytiharkan BANKRUPT, mereka yang bersalah tidak boleh memegang jawatan dalam parti p[olitik, tidak boleh bertanding dalam pilihanraya, dan tidak boleh jadi MP...kena bersara le...Inilah 'kepintaran' Lee Kuan Yew.
amoi ni dpt berapa aa LKY BG DIA..
komen pasal isu pegawai dia yang kurang moral ute
Carolyn Hong,
You bitch! You will live and die with milions of malaysian people prayed for your miserable life that wil haunt you forever.
Not even you, your children and your grandchildren who are bastards too.
You mind our business, we will mind yours. Fair enough.
get rid of her!
ciPAP di singapork.. biaDAP di malaysia. Sama je sifat busuk golongan2 dorang tu...
Actually the stupid bitch is extremely jealous and envious of the freedom that we have and enjoy...
She will NEVER EVER get the liberty that we enjoy and so she puts in all the works, spanners, screw drivers, and provoked and incite Malaysians at all levels to hate the Govt...
She was probably trained by the dot-down-south people to cause disharmony in our country and eventually their dream of coming back to beautiful and peaceful Malaysia....
Wonder why she didn't write about the ugly things going round in Singapork eg the rudeness of their people on their MRT and lately their fight over a single durian tree and they are rude China-kui ....same breed as the Carolyn Hog.
So Malaysians, MALAYS especially, beware of outsiders wanting to grab our land and be our Masters.... we have no choice but to unite and be as one in facing the challenges..otherwise we will be history... remember, ALLAH will not change the fate of a nation if the people do not want to change... Please do not let outsiders dictate what we do.. we are the ones responsible for our fate... and to BN, enuf is enuf in giving face and goodies to the Chinese..BN will never ever get their votes... just leave them to rot, focus on Muslims and others who want to built a better Malaysia... Najib, you are doing OK but I personally am getting fed-up of you sucking up to the Chinese..Najib, Melayu rasa tercalar dan terhina kerana undi kami dianggap tidak bernilai. Melayu teras kepada BN namun tidak dihargaiiii... sedih sekali, you MUST and NEED to do something PM... my 1 vote is precious.. and I am watching your step...
1. Carolyn Hong has lost all substance for plucking the exact time of upcoming general election.
2. A clever journalist would not interview opposition leader like Anwar, who is so vindictive and revengeful against PM Najib.
3. The way she reported shows that she discarded all the notable crimes committed by Anwar. She knows all about the guilt, the vindictiveness, the transgression of the opposition leader, but she deliberately highlights Anwar’s confrontation against PM Najib to the media just to discredit PM Najib’s reputation.
4. Her persistent record from Merdeka Centre about PM Najib’s approval rating aims to inject into the minds of Malaysians living in Singapore repeatedly.
5. Why did she bother to obtain an opinion from Teh Chi-Chang who runs the RSA ? Wouldn’t it rather one-sided opinion?
6. Isn’t she prejudiced to humiliate PM Najib’s move? The kind of race- chauvinistic journalist.
It's no difference compared with PAP's Hang Pao. Give the crowd some pennies and they will not complain. Hopefully they will support the giver. PKR only give pain in the anus.
Jangan percaya dengan semua artikel yang ditulis oleh Carolyn
Hong di akhbar Singapura S T ini. Kadangkala perempuan ini menulis suatu artikel yang berunsurkan kemajuan BN kerana mati kutu dari pembangkang. Kadangkala penulisan nya berpura-pura diterangkan dengan tajuk BN yang sangat gemilang, tetapi kandungan artikel perempuan ini mula menyerang peribadi dan kepertinggian budi PM Najib kepada rakyat jelata.
Kemudian dia mula menceduk bantahan dari pehak pembangkang
dan memuji kenyataan oleh banduan-banduan pembangkang. Semua pencapaian dan langkah-langkah yang terpuji oleh BN di anggap negatif seperti rasuah serta kroni dari buta kaca mata dan fikirannya.
Perempuan ini memang betul-betul berfikir seperti ikan piranha.
Apabila sudah sampai masa ikan piranha mahu menjerat umpannya, dia ngaup mulutnya dengan pantas sekali.
Wartawan ini juga seorang yang rasis akibat terlalu percaya
dengan komen-komen dari penganalisa politik yang kecinaan.
Wartawan yang tidak kenal dan tidak faham dengan tradisi
ugama dan sosial kehidupan orang bumi putra telah gagal
mencatitkan situasi politik Malaysia yang sebenar.
Wartawan yang memerlukan kehendak dan inspirasi bangsa nya
sahaja yang dipentingkan, inilah dikatakan wartawan ‘bias’.
Kerajaan Malaysia wat la macam ni.
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