Monday, July 23, 2012


Singapore Straits Times questions the enforcement of ‘hudud law‘ or the Islamic criminal law in Johor state.
1.    Salim Osman recalled the news dated back June 20th within the environment of the Johor state legislature. Ayub Rahmat, the Johor state assemblyman 
recommended the enforcement of hudud law in Johor state.

2.    S.O. clearly obtained the information from Malaysian Insider printed on 2nd July, reported by Shazwan Mustafa Kamal.

3.    “Umno’s Kemelah state assemblyman Ayub Rahmat was quoted by online news portal Malaysiakini as saying he wished to see Johor to become the first state to implement “true hudud law”, which he claimed would differ from PAS’s version.” – The Malaysian Insider.

4.    According to S.O., Ayub Rahmat’s suggestion had received overwhelming support from UMNO officials, ranging from a deputy minister with Islamic training to the Umno women’s wing. So far S.O. is anticipating responses from Umno’s top leaders.  

It is illogic to accept the idea of Kemelah’s state assemblyman’s wishful thinking.


  1. this is so true scary spork. bcoz they can't simply have sex with any muslim in the state of johor after true hudud implemented. overall muslim in johor will be secured with the 1st class jurisdiction. this truely have a significant impact becoz johor is the 1st state who opened-up thier territory as much to the world investors. hudud is a real solution to uphold malay supremency in johor. with this hudud law, malay johor has been automatically categorised as 1st class citizen. johor is a state who have studied hudud law secretly and have a proposal in place many years ago.

  2. awatt teloq cina goyangg ka...hahaha...

    lepaihh tgk JPO - johor premium outlet lengang tak dpt sambutan dari org melayu johor...hahaha..

    padan muka cina genting, apek2 tongsan... org johor lain bebb... diaorg cuma pi angsana supermaket melayu....depa tak pi supemaket cinaa...

    org cina nak survive di johor kene ada joint venture dgn kjaan negeri... dgn org melayu johor sendiri baru bleh pii...

    cina2 johor seme survive sbb cina2 spore pi kedai depa... org melayu johor nak tukaq tayar pi tampoii kedai melayu, pi kg melayu ada kedai tayar melayu, bengkel kereta melayu dll..

    cina juaii kereta di johor cuma duduk tepi2 sajaaa naaa... sbb kedai wak di mutiara motor lagi hebatt... hahaha

    kalau cina bukak supamaket tak dak mee rebuihh hj wahid, tak dak mertabak kg melayu, tak dak kacang pool larkin, tak dak rojak asma.... renti kan laa org johor nak maiii naa.....hahaha

  3. 9:17,

    hei U pervert...why shud there be sexual contact between the unpotong stuuff and the locals in the first place?

    i know who U are, dude

  4. There are three categories of death penalty in Syariah:
    1. Hudud :
    Is a fixed Quranic punishment for specific crimes. Hudud crimes
    which can result in the death penalty include apostasy, adultery
    and sodomy.
    2. Qisas:
    Eye-for-an-eye retaliatory punishments. Qisas include murder.
    Families of someone murdered can choose between demanding
    the death penalty or granting clemency in return for a payment
    or blood money, by perpetrator.
    3. Tazir:
    A general category, including crimes defined by national
    regulations some of which can be punished by death, such as
    drug trafficking.

    Anyone among the Muslims in the world who doesn’t know that Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country deserves the appropriate labelled as an idiot. King Saud dynasty, have been implementing criminal justice system based on the hardline and the literal form of Syariah law, owing to Islam as its official state religion.100% population of Saudi Arabia are Muslims.

    If we compare the socio-geographic, historical background between Saudi Arabia with Malaysia, there are vast differences in these areas:
    • Heterogeneous population as compared to Saudi Arabia, it is homogeneous (90% Arabs, 10% Afro-Asian)
    • Natural environment
    • Economy
    • Climate
    • Cultural background

    It is very contemptible to implement hudud in Johor where the state doesn’t fit the similarity with Saudi Arabia. There is no logic to impose hudud to all Muslims and non-Muslims. Even if hudud is imposed to Muslims only, the non-Muslims will still commit high-degree crimes because they are not bounded by hudud law. As a result, there will be imbalance of socio-demographic controls.

    Johor Umno state assemblyman from Kemelah Ayub Rahmat and his supporters like Puteri Umno must think of these simple count and calculations before announcing their intentions of enforcing hudud laws.

  5. 917

    When a'Rainbow' appears on the horizon, its 'makan' time.

    But where?

    Watchout for 'the truck driver who can't drive a car' and his escapades!

    8 June 2012. Former Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) chief Peter Lim Sin Pang allegedly had two of the 10 sexual trysts he is accused of in the sex-for-contracts corruption case in his own home. – 16th-floor Costa Rhu condominium unit. All units in this upmarket condo are served by private lifts from the basement car park and ground floor. He allegedly had sex with Esther Goh Tok Mui, then director of business development at NCS.

    Now you know why they are NUTS!

  6. Miniclubman,

    Bukankah nama tryst tu...

    ...Joseph Lim simpan Rainbow Guan End ka?

    'Simpan' jumpa 'pau'...memang syedap 'makan'


  7. Anom July 23, 2012 11:33 AM,

    YOU ARE ALL SUCKERS!! You cannot discus logic and intelligence on this issue. You all talked rubbish and foolish ideas.

  8. Kita sepatutnya tidak patut bersikap ‘defensive’ apabila kita membaca artikel yang ditulis di akhbar SST ini. Ada penulis komen disini yang menyalahkan penulisan wartawan S.O. Ada yang menghina akhbar SST kerana bersikap seperti “Menjaga tepi kain orang.”

    1. Kadangkala penulisan wartawan Melayu ini hendak menyedarkan masyarakat Melayu yang terlalu taksub dengan hak kerakyatan Melayu sahaja, tanpa memberi penimbangan saksama rakyat bangsa lain yang sudah bertahun-tahun hidup menyambungi generasi mereka yang bukan Melayu.
    2. Sudah tercatit pun didalam perlembagaan bahwa rakyat India dan Cina berhak diberi perlindungan sebelum Perdana Menteri Tengku A Rahman menyetujui pencapaian Kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu pada 31 August 1957.

    3. Sebab itulah perjuangan MCA dan MIC serta UMNO satu matlamat penting, iaitu menjaga kepentingan setiap bangsa di bumi Malaysia.

    4. Dengan penampilan berita dari S.O. diatas ini, diharap masyarakat Melayu dapat meneruskan kesedaran betapa pentingnya orang Malaysia semua bangsa mesti hidup bersolidariti, bersatu padu, hormat-menghormati ugama dan budaya bangsa lain seperti yang diwarwarkan kesinambungan “Satu Malaysia” oleh PM Najib.

    5. Tentunya kita enggan menerima pehak bangsa lain yang mahu menghapuskan ugama, bahasa, budaya dan tradisi Melayu di bumi Malaysia ini. Tentunya kita akan memberontak jika hak asasi ke-empat dasar di atas di persoalkan dan dianiayakan oleh ancaman dari puak bangsa lain di bumi ini.

    6. Tetapi tentang menguatkuasakan hukum hudud kepada penjenayah semua bangsa memang tidak masuk akal. Jadi, adun Ayub Rahmat dari Kemelah dan penyokong-penyokong Puteri Umno serta seorang ulama muda Johor mesti mengambil serious akan kenyataan mereka. Majlis Tertinggi Umno mesti juga menimbang serious akan tuntutan mereka (Ayub Rahmat dan penyokong-penyokong) jika mahu hukum hudud dilaksanakan. Walaupun Malaysian Insider mendedahkan perkara kewujudan penguatkuasa hudud dan dihebahkan ke akhbar SST kita tidak sepatutnya mengejek wartawan S.O. jikalau persoalan issue ini benar.

    Cuba fikirkan dibawah fakta ini:
    PAS (Kelantan) - mahu hudud dikuatkuasakan hanya kepada masyarakat Islam.
    UMNO Johor – berazam hudud dikuatkuasakan kepada seluruh rakyat Johor (Islam dan bukan Islam).

    • Justeru, berdasarkan fakta didalam bahasa Inggeris tertulis didalam komen diatas, pada July 23, 2012 10:01 AM, bolehkah pembaca di ruang ini meluaskan pandangan terhadap akibat hukum hudud di Negara Johor dan Kelantan dengan akibat yang berbeza.

    • Akibat hukum hudud pada kedua-dua parti ini akan menjemput penjahanaman Negara dan kerosakan ekonomi dan social Negara.

    • Saya sudah jangkakan tentunya parti Umno yang menghadapi kerugian besar pada PRU ke 13 nanti. Inilah yang diidam-idamkan oleh petualang jahanam Anwar Ibrahim dan kuncu-kuncunya.

    • Sebaik-baiknya biarlah Syariah di Malaysia di teruskan tetapi berkenaan penjenayah patut dirujuk keperlembagaan dibawah undang-undang secular.

    • Menteri Besar Johor D Ghani Othman sepatutnya mengadakan perhimpunan semua ahli Umno yang terlibat dan bincangkan secara tertutup supaya menghormati perasaan bangsa lain rakyat Malaysia dan sebelum nasi menjadi bubur, sudah terlambat.

  9. Anom July 23, 2012 9:17 AM and
    July 23, 2012 9:28 AM,
    Don't write rubbish. Readers cannot simply understand your your ideas, 1st class citizen cannot be shown only by enforcing hudud, 1st class can only be shown by one's exceelent character and his or her upholding of Islamic believes, practices of Islamic five pillars of Islam until the person dies.

  10. awatt teloq cina goyangg ka...hahaha... lepaihh tgk JPO - johor premium outlet lengang tak dpt sambutan dari org melayu johor...hahaha.. padan muka cina genting, apek2 tongsan... org johor lain bebb... diaorg cuma pi angsana supermaket melayu....depa tak pi supemaket cinaa... org cina nak survive di johor kene ada joint venture dgn kjaan negeri... dgn org melayu johor sendiri baru bleh pii... cina2 johor seme survive sbb cina2 spore pi kedai depa... org melayu johor nak tukaq tayar pi tampoii kedai melayu, pi kg melayu ada kedai tayar melayu, bengkel kereta melayu dll.. cina juaii kereta di johor cuma duduk tepi2 sajaaa naaa... sbb kedai wak di mutiara motor lagi hebatt... hahaha kalau cina bukak supamaket tak dak mee rebuihh hj wahid, tak dak mertabak kg melayu, tak dak kacang pool larkin, tak dak rojak asma.... renti kan laa org johor nak maiii naa.....hahaha
