Tuesday, October 29, 2013



  1. Mari kita bertaqiyyah beramai2 ...duit memali telah kami uruskan sebaik mungkin didalam poket dan perut kami...he...he

  2. apa odit2? tu duit org sedekah la. bukan duit kerajaan. suka ati kitorang la nk guna apapun. lagipun, kitorang dah faraid sampai habis licin. takde dh yg tinggal...haha

  3. Buat apa kita nak sebok2 sedangkan mereka2 yang duk bagi duit dalam setiap ceramah Pas tak pernah ambil kisah pun sama ada betul2 belanja untuk parti atau sebahagiannya masuk poket pegawai2 parti. Mereka derma dengan ikhlas, mereka ikhlas kerana balasan syurga yang dijanjikan. Kalau mereka pertikai dan ragu, pahala tak dapat, surga pun tak dapat.

    Tabung Memali pun macam itu juga lah, tak ada siapa pun orang Pas yang pertikai, cuma Cikgu Non sorang saja yang tak puas hati. Mungkin Cikgu Non ada alasan nya yang tersendiri.

    1. Jawapannya: Sebab,....Cikgu Non tak nak masuk syurga PAS.

  4. Kepada ahli2 PAS-pis-pus yang bertanggung jawab tu, kalua betul ko orang dah mentekedarah duit haram, pandai-pandai lah jaga diri nak menjawab kat bawah sana tu nanti. Satu lagi hang pi lah minak Pok Nik Ajis hang tu bagi satu tiket ke sorga nak cover kerja jahat ko orang tu. Manalah tahu masa nak kena belankong dek malaikat nanti, ko orang tunjuk lah kad masuk sorga pree Pok nik tu, manalah tahu kan, kut-kut depa boleh bagi chance....sendiri buat, sendiri tanggung lah bro. Duit ibu tunggal dan anak yatim tu yang ko mentekedarah kan....tak dak duit lan ke, hampas nya maanusia....kharrrk ptuiihhhh.

  5. Jangan banyak Tanyalah nanti :"IJAU/PUTIH" biji mata hang. Kan kita dah faham falsafah PAS " Orang bagi itu rasuah, depa bagi itu sedekah" "Duit orang bagi depa ambil, bila tiba mengudi tetap pangkah "buleee". Apa kata kita sama-sama bina "tugu Mamali" bertemakan " KORBAN AIR MATA MALI"

  6. bodoh, jangan tanya siapa makan tabung memali tanya siapa bunuh orang kampung di mamali

    1. Buduh, jangan tanya siapa yang bunuh orang kampung mamali, tapi tanya siapa yang menghasut suruh orang kampung mamali suruh angkat senjata menentang pemerintah Islam.

  7. Malaysia surges to 6th place in World Bank Ease Of Doing Business Report

    KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has achieved a significant surge to sixth position from 12th among 189 economies in the ease of doing business, according to the latest World Bank Ease Of Doing Business Report 2014.

    The sixth place ranking from 12 previously is also a testament of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's stewardship and the success of his economic and government transformation programmes, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, said.

    Its Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said that Malaysia was in 23rd place when Najib, who is also Finance Minister, assumed office on April 3, 2009.

    Malaysia achieved this ranking well-ahead of its target to be among the top 10 by 2015, he said in a statement today on the report released today.

    "At 6th position, Malaysia has been placed in the same league as Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the United States and Denmark.

    "This ranking also places Malaysia ahead of economies such as South Korea, Norway, the United Kingdom, Australia and Finland," he said.

    Mustapa said Malaysia had also achieved first place in getting credit and fourth in protecting investors six years in a row.

    "In the area of trading across borders, Malaysia made a breakthrough to fifth position, and other significant improvements made were in the areas of starting a business, dealing with construction permits, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and getting electricity," he said.

    The World Bank, according to Mustapa had further acknowledged that Malaysia is among the economies that improved the most across three or more doing business areas.

    It said Malaysia had made starting business less costly by reducing the company registration fees while in dealing with construction permits, the establishment of one-stop centres has facilitated construction processes.

    "Malaysia welcomes the World Bank findings. They are testament to the efforts made by both the public and private sectors to help Malaysia become a high-income nation.

    "The Task Force to Facilitate Business (Pemudah) has proven to be a platform where the public and private sectors collaborate to create a sense of urgency in improving government service delivery, enhancing Malaysia's competitiveness and ensuring business is facilitated efficiently," he said.

    Since its inception in 2007, Malaysia's performance in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business has improved from 25th position to sixth position.
    This year was the country's largest leap in the competitiveness ranking, reinforcing its position as a preferred destination for trade and investments among local and foreign investors.

    "Notwithstanding this significant improvement, the government is aware that there is no room for complacency.

    "As we move forward, we are seeking to do more, cognisant of the competition that Malaysia faces both regionally and globally.

    "Our central challenge will lie not only in addressing operational inefficiencies in service delivery but also in reviewing regulations to further reduce the burden of doing business in Malaysia," Mustapa added. -- BERNAMA

  8. Malaysia surges to 6th place in World Bank Ease Of Doing Business Report

    KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has achieved a significant surge to sixth position from 12th among 189 economies in the ease of doing business, according to the latest World Bank Ease Of Doing Business Report 2014.

    The sixth place ranking from 12 previously is also a testament of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's stewardship and the success of his economic and government transformation programmes, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, said.

    Its Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said that Malaysia was in 23rd place when Najib, who is also Finance Minister, assumed office on April 3, 2009.

    Malaysia achieved this ranking well-ahead of its target to be among the top 10 by 2015, he said in a statement today on the report released today.

    "At 6th position, Malaysia has been placed in the same league as Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the United States and Denmark.

    "This ranking also places Malaysia ahead of economies such as South Korea, Norway, the United Kingdom, Australia and Finland," he said.

    Mustapa said Malaysia had also achieved first place in getting credit and fourth in protecting investors six years in a row.

    "In the area of trading across borders, Malaysia made a breakthrough to fifth position, and other significant improvements made were in the areas of starting a business, dealing with construction permits, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and getting electricity," he said.

    The World Bank, according to Mustapa had further acknowledged that Malaysia is among the economies that improved the most across three or more doing business areas.

    It said Malaysia had made starting business less costly by reducing the company registration fees while in dealing with construction permits, the establishment of one-stop centres has facilitated construction processes.

    "Malaysia welcomes the World Bank findings. They are testament to the efforts made by both the public and private sectors to help Malaysia become a high-income nation.

    "The Task Force to Facilitate Business (Pemudah) has proven to be a platform where the public and private sectors collaborate to create a sense of urgency in improving government service delivery, enhancing Malaysia's competitiveness and ensuring business is facilitated efficiently," he said.

    Since its inception in 2007, Malaysia's performance in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business has improved from 25th position to sixth position.
    This year was the country's largest leap in the competitiveness ranking, reinforcing its position as a preferred destination for trade and investments among local and foreign investors.

    "Notwithstanding this significant improvement, the government is aware that there is no room for complacency.

    "As we move forward, we are seeking to do more, cognisant of the competition that Malaysia faces both regionally and globally.

    "Our central challenge will lie not only in addressing operational inefficiencies in service delivery but also in reviewing regulations to further reduce the burden of doing business in Malaysia," Mustapa added. -- BERNAMA

  9. Salam,

    Boleh Kah Saudara Menulis Tentang Masjid Rusila atau Masjid Haji Hadi Awang

    Berapa Lama Masjid Nie Nak Siap dan berapa Lama Kutipan Derma Orang Ramai Di buat?

    Berapa Banyak Jumlah Kutipan, Berapa Banyak Yg Di Belanjakan Untuk Membuat Masjid?

    Adakah sebarang Bentuk Rekod atau Catatan Pemberi Derma, Invois pembelian Barang2, Butir Perakaunan, Apakah Akaun2 Inin di audit..

    Ataupon Sememangnya, Hadi Awang Tiada menyediakan kesuamnya, Tiada Rekod, Maka Hadi Awang dgn Sewenang2nya SONGLAP, MANUPULASI, MENYALAH GUNAKAN WANG TERSEBUT?

    Masjid Ini Mengambil masa dari seawal 1977 ke 1978 hinggalah ke 2003.. Bila Hadi Awang jadi Menteri besor barulah maju sikit.. pastu bengap balik ...

    apebenda citer Hadi Awang, Kalau Semua Orang Rusila BUTA PEKOK Mata, bial orang tepi dia beri Perkhaborannya...

    Siasatlah Semua Blogger...
    Inilah Pekong Hadi Awang Yg Menggunakan Agama Untuk Pelbagai Kepentingan Selama Ini...

  10. Melayu Perak klu lu posting je selalu mesti divert topik punye.. BODOH le ko ni..asal ko posting je mesti merepek dr tajuk.. lu sakit mental ke ??? klu ye pun nk citer psl kejayaan tgk topik le.. skrg tgth mood PRK Sungai Limau..PASngok isu sbr, lu pekak ke?

  11. kepada semua para ahlul BAHALOL PAS....selamat menderma..

  12. Bodohnye ko ni...sibuk siasat Masjid Rusila...itu duit derma, jd hak Masjid....yg patut siasat ketirisan membelanjakan duit rakyat...bayar Kpop 1.6 juta ape cer?...belaje perjalanan Najib juta2...kite dpt ape?...harga brg makin naik...kene cukai lg...come on la...kalo BN baguih mmg patut sokong...tp kalau lagu ni, tolong la jgn jadi bodoh...x tau la kalau korang ade kepentingan....bg BRIM yg dpt org cine sbb diorg xde slip gaji...org mlayu keje kerajaan golongan pertengahan mmg sengsara skrang ni....semoga Tun Mahathir bleh sekolahkan Najib...

    1. Nasib baiklah kau hentam najib sahaja, kalau kau hentam Tun M nahas kau aku kerjakan.!
