Saturday, July 7, 2012




Anonymous said...

Awas, jangan kasi muka dengan Bomo Siam di laman ini. Dia akan menulis sebarang catitan yang mengelirukan penyokong BN.

Anonymous said...

bomo siaM = bomo siaL

Anonymous said...

Bomo Siam orang yang paling gila mesti dihantar ke mental hospital.

Tun Teja said...

Ma'af, terkeluar tajuk:
Singapore Straits Times today (7/7/2012,Saturday) quoted that MP Sitoh Y P (Potong Pasir) wants to know more about the case of three Singaporean diplomats whom Malaysian bloggers recently alleged had participated in a political rally in KL in April. He is asking if the claims are true and whether the incident has had any effect on relations between Singapore and Malaysia. This is one of the questions tabled by MPs for the next session of Parliament, which sits on Monday.
I hope these three diplomat offender crooks will be caught and their jobs be suspended or sacked by Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Shanmugam must be strict in terms of this issue, if not Singapore’s jurisdiction system is a legal body that proves useless.

Anonymous said...

Bomo siam kita kena hantar dia pi ke watt siam la..

Anonymous said...

kalau Proton:
"ala memang la murah, tengok la kualiti dia macamana. power window problem, sana sini rosak. ah memang xde kualiti la kereta buatan malaysia nih!!!

kalau airasia:
seat sempit, tak selesa? luggage kena charge? nak check in pun kena charge?
takpe, biasalah tambang murah kan...

oh melayu PAS...