Thursday, February 28, 2013


Singapore Straits Times propagates PM DS Najib’s weakening popularity.

Carolyn Hong is elated to beat the drum for opposition party.

  1. She firstly must announced from so called reliable sources that PM D S Najib’s approval rating had flung. And the ethnic group that brought down the rating were Malays. Foolishly loyal to Merdeka Centre for hot news, she humiliated PM DS Najib for ‘enjoying’  the highest rating in Dec 2011 after he announced the repeal of ISA and political reforms. 
  2. The director of M C Ibrahim Suffian, the monstrous evil syaitan-like brainless head was appreciative of the massive opposition rally last month. Ibrahim Suffian frantically rejoiced when the support from Malays for BN fell.   

It never occurred to the minds of Carolyn Bohong and Ibrahim Anu-War Sucker that the topics from speeches by Opposition Party are all fabricated facts; full of lies, slander, empty promises, illogical recommendations for the naïve and intellectually disabled listeners as well as those who are easily getting confused and holding false beliefs.    


Langsi said...

Takyah cari jalan... jalan dah sedia terbentang luas untuk BN KARAM, tunggu PRU13 je!

ABU - Asalkan Bukan UMNgOk...Be-eNd!
ABU - Anything But UMNgOk...Be-eNd!

bukit selumpit said...

langsi,tak apalah.katalah yg ko nak kata.biar lah asalkan kau bahagia dgn angan2.Pru nanti samalah kita tunggu keputusan rakyat.keputusan Pru nanti barulah boleh dikatakan sebagai keputusan rakyat.bukan keputusan yg ko orang cuba soggok sebagai keputusan rakyat sebagaimana dlm perhimpunan2 yg telah ko buat sebelum ini.Jangan nanti kata SPR bais pulak kerana kami rakyat Malaysia tak nak terima pemerhatian senator bebas Australia yg juragan korang jemput tempoh hari.Dia tu barulah bais dan tak layak sebagai pemerhati.
Hidup Melayu hidup rakyat Malaysia yg cintakan keamanan.Ya ALLAH musnahkan golongan yg cuba merosak keharmonianmkami di bumi bertuahini.ALLAH HU AKBAR.

Anonymous said...

All those kaypoh bastards should be worry abt PAP declining ratings instead..

Lost 3 wards and more to come!!

Anonymous said...

Langsi Lanchiao Ninna Mah Cheebet!!!

Unknown said...

By misleading Strait Times try to pursue Singapore Malays to believe that the people of Malaysia prefer a homosexual Prime Minister.


Anwar did it in the shitta hole..., shitta hole..., shitta hole...
Anwar did it in the shitta hole..., in Saifuls pretty buttock.

(Song: The three little pigs, check youtube)

Pig 1: Anwar Ibrahim
Pig 2: Lim Guan Eng
Pig 3: Hadi Awang

celana biru said...

Carolyn (bo)Hong dan Ibrahim Suffian tak perlulah berlonjak-lonjak dengan mengatakan rating Najib menjunam.
Fakta-fakta yang menjurus kepada kegelisahan pembangkang yang terdedah kebelakangan ini memang cuba di sorokkan oleh mereka.
1. penipuan dalaman CEC.
2. masalah Kalimah Allah.
3. masalah janji di Selangor.
4. masalah tanah di Kelantan/Kedah
dan banyak lagi menjejas sokongan Melayu dalam Pakatan keluar menyokong BN.

Anonymous said...

ABAI : Asal Bukan Anwar Ibrahim