Monday, July 9, 2012


Singapore Straits Times points fingers at BN’s harsh treatment of Ambiga.

  1. Carolyn Hong relishes giving the bad impression of BN.
  2. She took down a disgruntled remark by a political analyst from USM Dr P.Sivamurugan.
  3. She and political analyst Ong Kian Ming particularly attempt to cause racial disintegration between Indians and Malays by raising the sentiments of both sides.
These two crooks are supporters of opposition. They aim to highlight to Singaporean readers that Ambiga is the victim of exploitation.

Ong Kian Ming is a disgraceful political analyst. He plays as a mastermind who provokes Indians and MIC leader to accuse BN for mistreating Ambiga. He is a myopic race-chauvinist analyst.

Ong Kian Ming displays his hatred against BN.


Anonymous said...

Masa Zaman Tun M Bangsa2 Bangsat ni semua tak berani nak angkat muka termasuk bekas PM dia yang da Tua nak Mampos.

Anonymous said...

singapore readers already well verse with ST way of writting -- memperbodohkan minda massa

Anonymous said...

Kalau Singapore NAK SANGAT Ambiga tu, of charge.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is free of opposition... gaji Pesiden nya termahal didunia... Freedom of press takde... Sibuk komen negara orang...kepincangan negara sendiri tak berani... Nak survive bodek jela ruling party... Bapa turun anak naik jadi presiden... DAP nnt camtu juga ..Lim kit siang turun ... Lim guan eng naik... kapal singh dan bangsanya jgn beranganla nk pegang kerusi teratas DAP... kerabat DAP keluarga kit siang akanpegang...

Tun Teja said...

1. Singapore government allows homosexuals including LGBT. For example, Kumar and there are more of them. Some Malays are obliviously plunged into this category. MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura) cannot take action as these are decisions of their own destiny.
2. That is an example of secular government, parliamentary democracy and multi-cultural and multi-religions society must live in harmony here. Recently the homosexual group organized a ‘pinkdot’ festival in Speakers’ Corner. Do you know where Speakers’ Corner is situated? In Hong Lim Park near Chinatown.

1. Wahai rakan bangsaku, rakan yang bermastautin dinusa yang bertuah dengan hasil bumi, subur dengan insan-insan yang padat akidah Islam sehingga disanjungi oleh kerajaan Arab Saudi kerana keteguhan iman anda.
2. Ingatlah, begitulah keadaan jikalau Negara kamu akan diperintah oleh orang yang bukan berimankan Islam. Walaupun masa yang diperintah agak lama, tetapi lambat laun, semua ajaran Islam akan pudar dan disuntikkaan dengan ajaran ‘bidaah’.
3. Oleh itu, aku berseru kepada masyarakat Melayu, tua dan
muda, generasi ‘Y’ ingatlah, jangan kita biarkan Negara
tanah Melayu ini di perkosa oleh kerajaan yang bertentangan
dengan ajaran Islam yang bertunjangkan AlQuran dan

Sudah aku pastikan bahwa hanya mengundi UMNO sahajalah yang dapat kita mempertahankan Negara tanah Melayu yang mengamalkan ugama Islam yang kukuh dan menegakkan moral generasi dan bangsa kita supaya mencapai keadaban yang bertaraf sempurna berkemuncak di halaman maha perkasa.

Unknown said...

Blog GAP lebih aman tanpa BOMO SIAM..

Nyahkan persundalan politik ini dari bumi Malaysia!!


MALAYSIA lebih AMAN tanpa mereka!

Unknown said...

PAKATAN mereka nie sgguh menjatuhkan malaysia.jijik sguh meraka sanggup mencemarkan negara untk kepentingan politik yang songsang.

Tun Teja said...

Political analyst Ong Kian Ming was driven by his ill-will towards UMNO. He wanted to inject the feelings of hatred among Indians during the forum with all Indian audience against the Malays.
1. He knew that Ambabiga was notorious to Malays but she was influential to Indians, therefore, Ong K M deliberately quoted her name, in order to highlight to MIC president Palanivel; show concern for whatever struggles she did to fight for the right of LGBT. He incited the high sentiments in Indians, with the intention to sway voters from BN to DAP. Ong K M further said that urban Indians will show support more for Ambabiga.
2. MIC president Palanivel must show his logic, strong sensibility when handling Ambabiga’s arrogant and rebellious character that had caused Malaysian national social problem.
3. Palanivel must not show his favour for Ambabiga hundred percent without considering PM Najib’s regime and policy that he had built strong ties to magnify his mission for support from the Indians.
4. Otherwise, all PM Najib’s laborious effort will go to the drain. And who is the master mind behind this high tension? It’s Ong K M and secondly, Palanivel for his biased judgement.
Mark this man, OKM is race-chauvinist and first class political instigator.
5. It is definitely harmless for UMNO MP Mohamad Aziz to speak from his mind the punishment for a traitor is ‘hanging.’ Other countries could also have done the same or worse than Malaysia. ‘Treason’ can never be accepted, I am sure, if the Indians cannot accept this, then their basic humanity which they have acquired civilization long time ago have not reach purity, self-righteousness and virtues at excellent level.

And the female pimp for this case of reviving Ambabiga is certainly Carolyn Hong from Singapore Straits Times.